How to develop the technology of fly ash free brick machine

At present, the market has provided a special fly ash burning free brick machine technology, can play the technology to achieve the majority of factory production, recycling and utilization of residual waste fly ash, these fly ash will be extruded into shape, finally formed, brick to realize the reuse of the market. Then for this type of brick machine how to play a role, for its use process has the following summary.

main machine side view

 First of all, we need a crusher to crush the quicklime. Secondly, we need to place these raw materials in the grinder for careful grinding. At the same time, the waste solid raw materials, such as fly ash, are scientifically matched and proportioned. Finally, they are put into the roller for careful rolling, and then they can be put into other brick making machines to form and compress them. Of course, after molding and compression, it needs to be dried for about 10 days. After the successful drying, it can be sold in the market. Therefore, the technology of fly ash free burning brick machine is relatively excellent, which can realize the maximum utilization of fly ash. It can be used as one of the raw material formulas to realize the recycling again. Moreover, the utilization rate is relatively high, and the pollution substance of fly ash is treated more reasonably

Post time: Jul-27-2020